I want you to do me a favor. Tell me how you have been screwed.
I am serious. Email me and let me know. – Kyle@Marketfy.com
The reason I want to know is because your crappy experiences are why we created Marketfy in the first place. We wanted to bring transparency into a muddy industry.
Recently, I ran across a list outing the scammy financial products found in a well-known trading forum (http://www.elitetrader.com/). While I can't say that all of these products deserve to be on this list since I haven't done do diligence on all of them, but what I do know is that there are more than a few names on that list that have been turned down when they wanted to partner with Marketfy.
So how are we different? On Marketfy, you won't find a guarantee of success and you won't find claims of turning hundreds of dollars into MILLIONS. We know, trading-is-Not-Easy.
However, we believe we can help by providing you a curated and verified marketplace filled with true professionals who offer you education, trade alerts, live trading rooms, and more.
One of our newest experts, Alan Brochestein of The Analytical Trader said it best through a post on SeekingAlpha:
"I went live today with a new product on Marketfy. I love this platform, which is owned by Benzinga. Why? It's the first ever curated and verified marketplace for trading services, like alerts and education. There is so much garbage out there: How is someone supposed to find out if the provider is legitimate and worth pursuing?
Marketfy takes many steps to assure the legitimacy of its providers, including background checks and verification. The trades sent through its trade-alerts are run through a live real-time engine to make sure that they are consistent with what's really available to subscribers. I have linked up with these guys because of their technology and their transparent approach."
Only Mavens like Alan make it through our curation process and they know the tools we have built will allow them to create better traders our of you!
We know you have been screwed in the past with scammy financial products offering you the world. We won't sit here and tell you making money in the markets is easy. But we will work our hardest to provide you the tools to make it possible.
Looking forward to reading your scammy horror stories - (Kyle@Marketfy.com)
- K.B.